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Grassfed Life

Jul 4, 2016

Today is the 4th of July.  A day when America celebrates and commemorates its independence.

It’s a national holiday, which means that for many American workers today is a calendared day off from work.

A day that you can always look ahead to and say, "I have a long weekend for the 4th, let’s go then."

For most, not all, most workers today is a money in the bank holiday.  Along with Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and a few others, it’s one of the bonus days off for Americans each year.  

It’s holidays like this that many people plan vacations and other life dreams around.  

But isn’t that a little sad.  Having to compartmentalize all of your recreational time into the time off that your company gives you and the days that the government mandates.  All of that work away from home for a paycheck, and a limited amount of time to actually use that paycheck with your family.  It isn’t how most people would choose to live their lives, but it is how most people have accepted living their lives.  

If you are in that boat and your not happy with it, what if you could try to create a work scenario that is more aligned with how you want to live your life.

Instead of cramming all of your recreational and family time into weekends and three weeks a year, what if you could spread that time out over the whole year.  Each day having the ability to do whatever that you want to do most.

Not all day every day, but part of every day.  

That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work.  But you could do the work on your terms, in your preferred location, and on your schedule.  Effectively making every day a working holiday.

Being a self employed farmer is one way to do that.  

Today on the 4th of July,  Darby, a self employed farmer will talk about living each day as a holiday, and Declaring Independence in Your Own Life, From What Society Tells You It Has to Be.


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